Spinning Reels is a Bracebridge-based not-for-profit group bringing great movies to Muskoka.
Our movies run at 7 pm on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month, September through May. *There are exceptions. Be sure to check our schedule before setting out.
Join our email list to be notified of upcoming films
After you click "submit" you will receive an email to verify your subscription. We send out an invite and a reminder for each movie and an occasional news update. We do not share your information. You can unsubscribe at any time.
TICKETS ARE $10 and are available at; 1) MUSKOKA NATURAL FOOD MARKET 229 Manitoba Street. >Advance tickets only. 2) EMAIL RESERVATIONStickets@spinningreels.ca >We will confirm your request by email; if you do not receive a confirmation, please check your spam filter. We may not have received your reservation and you should try again. Reserve by 2pm on the day of the screening. Be sure to arrive early. We can only hold reserved tickets until 15 minutes before show time. We try our best, but please remember, we're all volunteers! 3) AT THE DOOR NORWOOD THEATRE 106 Manitoba Street. >On movie nights, while supplies last. Reservation desk opens at 6:30pm. 4) GIFT CERTIFICATES Email villageplace@muskoka.com for details.
Movie Venue
Norwood Theatre is the proud home of all Spinning Reels screenings, located at 106 Manitoba Street, Bracebridge. Visit the Norwood onlinewww.norwoodtheatre.comboxoffice@norwoodtheatre.com
Affiliated With
A division of the Toronto International Film Festival Group dedicated to bringing alternative films to smaller communities across Canada and around the world.
Contact Us >tickets@spinningreels.ca
Site By >The Tillson Group
Tag Archives: Spinning Reels Student Bursary
And the winners of the 2018 Student Bursary are….
We are happy to announce that this year Spinning Reels has selected two promising graduates to receive the 2018 Spinning Reels bursary. Drumroll please… the recipients are: Mitchell Brock and Preslee Bertrand. Mitchell attended BMLSS where he participated in Improv … Continue reading
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