Directed by Ken Scott (Seducing Doctor Lewis), Starbuck is the French-language tale of a middle-aged man whose extended adolescence is about to come to an abrupt end.
Twenty years earlier, in order to make some cash, David (Patrick Huard, Bon Cop, Bad Cop) was a regular supplying sperm to a fertility clinic. Now, just as his girlfriend informs him that she’s pregnant, he discovers he’s the father of 533 children, 142 of whom have filed a class action lawsuit to determine the identity of their biological father, known only by the pseudonym Starbuck. Scroll to the bottom of the page to see the trailer.
Thank you to this movie’s sponsor
Muskoka Audiology Clinic
Many thanks to Audiologists Preeti Nichol, Graham Cole and their staff for supporting Muskoka’s movie culture.
The clinic is located at 256 James Street, near the corner of Manitoba Street and Monck Road in Bracebridge. Google Map. You can reach the clinic at (705) 646-2227 or